Cure spine spines with papaya seeds are transmitted many people about the results and unexpected analgesic effect. So how to cure spinal spines by papaya seeds in any way? Are there any side effects? Cure how long it takes? Let's find out through the article below.
1. Why is papaya effective in curing spine spines?
Papaya has many miraculous effects in healing
According to traditional medicine, papaya is a typical welding drug, sweet and dark. Nearly all parts of papaya can be used as medicines, especially the seeds.
The reason papaya seeds can ward off this spinal pain is thanks to a compound called papain. The papain compound is able to soften the muscles as well as gradually erode the spine spines, combined with the enzyme chymopapain to help the patient's spine gradually eliminate pain.
Treating spinal spines with papaya seeds also has another advantage of not causing side effects like medicines.
Also ripe papaya seeds also proved very beneficial when used to treat knee pain, herniated disc, hepatitis, fatty liver, kidney disease group ...
2. How to cure spinal spines by papaya seeds
Papaya seeds contain substances that reduce spinal pain
- Choose the fruit that has just ripened, place the seeds inside.
- Wrap the papaya seeds in a clean cloth and gently rub the broken water outside the seeds.
- Remove this water film and then absorb the water in papaya seeds. Note that the seed should not be too dry, so it will be better for the moisture.
- Put these seeds into a mortar and crush them.
- For the sick prone, use a cloth to cover the painful area and then apply crushed papaya seeds on top without heating.
- You can use another piece of cloth to tie the papaya seeds back to prevent them from falling.
- To be able to apply papaya seeds in the exact position of the spine spines, you can refer to X-ray film.
- Apply papaya seeds for 10-15 minutes, then replace the second layer of seeds.
- Apply regularly every day for 1 month, the pain of spine pain will decrease.
How to cure spinal spines by papaya seeds
Reviewed by TheLife24h
October 09, 2019

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